Tuesday, December 04, 2007

LUCKY ME!! Me and my bf just won ourselves return tickets for 2 to Phuket!! WOOHOO!! We won it at Cineleisure, some Jetstar promotions.... whereby you spend $20 at Cineleisure for a chance to win.... We must have been damn lucky to have won ah.... there was this board with many many holes of different countries for you to shoot your paper plane (our plane was like shit, cos the bf folded it) into...... and we were given just 2 chances to try... I tried the first chance, and my paper plane went way out of target, not even touching the board hahahah.... and my bf shot the 2nd time, and it went through the Phuket hole!! yippee!! i almost squealed in joy, so happy and proud of the bf ah.... i mean, he only threw ONCE and it got in... i saw another couple had 4 chances and still didn't managed to even get in any of the holes....

BUT BUT BUT..... alas, to our dismay (at tat point in time), we realised we still HAVE NOT won the tickets yet.... we just won a CHANCE TO GET INTO THE LUCKY DRAW..... really pui...... so tat means there's only a winner for that day, for so many planes that went through the holes during the 2 hour competition.... so we waited till 7pm for our the lucky draw..... AND WE WON!!! LUCKY SHIT..... but i damn damn stupid ah......... haiz...... cos when we filled up the form before the contest, we had to choose a "Dream" destination, and i ticked Taiwan...then when the plane flew into the Phuket hole, the organiser ticked Phuket.... then when the person in charged asked "so which hole did the plane get in? Taiwan or Phuket" I should have frigging said TAIWAN ah.... cos after that then i realised she didnt even know which tick was the right one!!!! i mean, it's quite unofficial and everything..... she just wrote it so generously on the piece of paper...... SHOULD HAVE TOLD her Taiwan instead... i mean as in, put it in an ambigous way ah "oh, Taiwan is my dream destination" instead of "the plane went into Phuket"...... or smth like tat.... so she might be mistaken and wrote Taiwan..... aiyah....

but anyway, i'm asking for a change of destination ah.... since they seemed to be so unofficial about it, and budget didn't seemed to bother them at all..... i'm going to ask for Macau (nope, HongKong wasn't included on the board)..........Taiwan will be too much to ask for lah.... my parents strongly disagree for me to go Phuket cos of the Tsunami thingy.....so no choice ah.... at least i tried asking right..... if cannot then no choice ah, just go Phuket lor.... but heard from my friends that the stuff in Phuket are very very expensive, too commercialised.... the watersports sounds damn fun though! Haiz.... but the bf don't like leh.....

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