If U LiVe 2 bE a 100,I wAnA LiVE a 100 MiNuS 1 DaY,So I NeVeR hAvE tO LiVe WiThOuT U...
yes, i bought 6 pairs of shoes........ actually no, i bought 8 pairs of shoes to be exact this month alone.... the other 2 pairs at bf's house......... BUT, guess how much do cost for each pair? 5 frigging bucks. HOW NOT TO BUY?!?! They don't even look like cheap shoes to me ah.... all high heels leh! can wear for work~!!! for 5 bucks leh!! those shoes at my house are the 5 dollars ones la... but those shoes at my boyfriend's house cost $10 and $20 each....(nt in the picture) still damn cheap ah.... URS sandals for $10......bought it at the warehouse sale.... anyway, those 5 bucks shoes, all sold out liao lah.... OF COS AH, when i went there only had very few sizes left..... cos a fren of mine bought most of them liao.... hahahahha.... i shall not give names here...
anyway, whatever that's in this picture, i bought them cos they were VERY CHEAP and very nice....... all discounted...... EXCEPT the white shorts which my bf bought for me from M)phosis again ($35!! not cheap!!!).... exact same white shorts i bought a year ago.... it's damn difficult to find shorts i like and fit my bottom very well.... so i decided to stock up..... cos my old white shorts became very dirty and somehow yellowish.....
from left:
M)phosis white shorts: $35
Black Dress from Cotton on: $10!!!! super love it!
Grey Plain top from Cotton on: 2 for $20, so $10!
Pink spaghetti too from Cotton on: 2 for $20, so $10! (but got to buy 2 same tops to get the discount, if not it's $15 each... BUT Carine was rather brave today and waited for another girl who bought the EXACT same tops as me so i actually took the initiative to approach her to share, LUCKY SHIT. cos they've got so many designs there and so happened we both bought 2 same tops)
Green long top from pasar malam: $10! hey, pasar malam sells damn nice dresses nowadays ok! and ALL FOR $10 only!
Tights fom pasar malam: $10~!
Total: $75
Clothes for WORK!! i've already started to keep a look out for tops to go work in July.... hur....... office wear....
from Left:
Black working dress from this fashion/alano/coax bazaar outside Westmall: $15!!!!! frigging cheap for a working dress like this lor, those i saw at other boutiques selling at least $40 each
Pink working top from Coax: $19 after discount
Total: $34
Somemore miscellaneous stuff i bought......
from left:
Fake eyelashes from dodo club: $3.90 i think can't remember
Pair of rose earrings frm school push cart: $1.50!
Face shop Glitter Black eyeliner: $12.90 (singapore) SUPER GOOD OK!! very smooth! and glitters! though you need to sharpen........ get a sharpener from SaSa for only $1.20..... very easy to sharpen!
I JUST got lobang get from Korea straight from their Face Shop outlets in Korea and thinking if i wanna open spree for The Face Shop.... interested ppl please inform me! at least 20% cheaper than Singapore.... SOMEMORE DIRECT FROM KOREA.... fresh... hahahaha..... even their body lotions, face masks i all have lobang! 100% REAL from Face Shop Korea... if i get from Korea, the eyeliner will be $9.90 only!.... $3 cheaper...INFORM ME SOON BEFORE MAY! now only buying glitter eyeliners, go to Face shop outlets in Singapore and try their colours and inform me what colours you all want, i think got gold, silver, dark blue, black..... only applicable to my frens.... hur.....
Tinted ZA moisturiser: $14.90 i think, really can't remember how much...
Maybelline lipstick: $12.90
Puff phone accessories with a huge love dimante: $3
Huge dimante Black Ring from Cotton on: $4.95
this was how we chopped seats for i think around a thousand students......... plenty of nylon strings and tape did the trick....
the 3 heroines that day, yanwen, me and lizhen.
our wonderful bp supporters
Our forever forceful and graceful BP band 2008
There were some other photos we took during the long long wait........ some cock photos which i think lizhen thought was too funny to put up.... hahaha.... the 3 aunties holding umbrellas sitting at the seats, avoiding the sun...... seriously, the sun is really bad for the skin k........... no one could have ever believed that we were from Military bands.......... hahahha....afraid of even the sun................ hahahahha haizzzzzzzzzz.............
haizZZZZz.............. dont know what to say.......... we got Silver for SYF military band competition............ damn lostform ........... haizZz................. seeing the band at the national stadium brought back so much memories it overwhelmed me suddenly........... seeing the field, and knowing that it's the last time, really the very last time we're going to be marching at the national stadium field......... and we were back in Teckwhye, back at the same old muddy field at teckwhye......... i thought we could win at least a gold or something........... so many things went through my mind when we were waiting for the results, and after we've gotten the results........... seeing those dejected figures on the field, members and instructors alike, just feel like giving them a comforting pat on the back, seeing those disappointed faces, crying, sobbing faces, just makes me feel so sad......... the point is, i havent been going back to band for 6 years ever since i've graduated......... but it really seemed like i've never even left there afterall.............i haven't even been going back to help out AT ALL and i can feel so much for the band, i can feel anger, indignant, sadness, disappointment......... can you imagine those ppl who's been constantly helping out at the band, going back for band practices........... can you imagine how they'll feel? haizz........ we were sobbing at the national stadium 8 years ago, 8 years have passed, and we are still sobbing at the same field............ how can those bloody judges be so blind, i really cannot understand.......... so many flashes of memories back in my mind........... when we were at the band room, listening to Sir giving long long talks......... after band competition, everyone sitting at the bandroom disappointed, down at the muddy fields with only the centre line and the trees as our guide........ basketball after band practices........... hide and seek at teckwhye............. we could spend the whole bloody day at teckwhye........ or at lot1 mac........... seeing those disappointed figures........really felt like going up to them, give them a comforting pat, telling them they've already done a good job............ just going up to them and talk........... just talk........... but i can't even do that, feels so awkward, feels so weird......... can't even open my mouth to talk to them.... after the band competition, when we were back at the teckwhye, i wanted to wait, wanted to be up at the bandroom with them, wanted to mix and mingle with the rest of the exmembers, but i just felt damn out of place, somewhat.... just out of place......... and so i decided to leave before the rest of them arrive........ and walked the same long way from teckwhye to the next bus stop........ the way me and yanwen always walked and chatted........ the road which brought me and yanwen to those bunch of ppl......... "hey, do you guys want to join us? we're going to kpt." they shouted across up the slope....... "what's kpt?", "kopitiam lah", "ok, we'll join u" |
And our Zng-ed boats! Bf's ugly black boat........... hahaha...... Transformers....Careful, might metamorphosis into a hugeass robot with a redbull logo on it.............*lame*