Thursday, May 05, 2005

Gentleman: a term used to describe a well-mannered and considerate man with high standards of proper behavior.

oh, and it's a term that cannot describe singaporean males.

Singaporean males really makes me feel so damn embarrassed and disgraced.

Singaporean males push past you just to get into the MRT/buses.

singaporean males snatch your seats on buses.

singaporean males don't give up seats to old ladies.

Singaporean males dont let you get off your seats when u are alighting at ur stop, they step on ur feets so that THEY can get off first.

Singaporean males clumber past you on escalators, and shout 'EXCUSE ME!' loudly as if they are burping.

Singaporean males take out their wallets to pay for you in a restaurant, but ask you to pay them back when they are out of the restaurant.

Singaporean males don't open the door for you, they slam it in your face.

Singaporean males love you the way you are (if you have big breasts)

Singaporean males are afraid of cockroaches. (at least most that i know)

Singaporean males are egoistically lazy ppl.

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