Sunday, February 05, 2006

I'm back!

had quite a good CNY.... heh... super busy tho......

chinese new year eve wasn't spent with my bf this yr... boo.... unlike other years when i usually go watch movies with him and his frens or play cards under some block and only go home at 6am in the morning..... in the end he went his fren's hse to play cards and gave me tonnes of excuses for me to not to go...... was damn pissed... but i forced myself not to be angry on the EVE of CNY.... oh ya.... reunion dinner was at my paternal grandparents hse..... we had video conferencing with my aunt who's a PR in Japan.... she had a virtual reunion dinner with us... hahaha... how cool...

anyway.... this yr's CNY quite boring.....went alot of places but nvr gamble.... paternal and maternal grandparent's hse.....(both grandparents' hse alone i got 18 red packets. imagine the no. of ppl who gathers there), then went ex neighbour's hse (god father of my 1st bro ONLY, and ONLY he had an ang pow frm them of 20bucks, mine was only 8bucks. :P) after which went uncle's hse.....
i WAS soooooooo looking forward to my aunt's place to gamble.... cos we always have lotsa fun at his place when we play cards..... EVERYONE will play lor... even old old aunties, young young pri5 kids and the eldest grandma there..... then all the very cute aunties will take out their secret weapons: the underwear clipper (watever u call tat, the one ur mum uses to hold the clothes on the bamboo stick so clothes wun fly off when wind blows. longwinded. waha) they will use tat THING to clip all their money together so hopefully they will win.... BUT to my great disappointment.... 3 of the aunties went Taiwan for CNY.... and so no one gambled tat day.... *BOO* later tat nite went bf fren's hse to play cards.... ended up No-win-no-lose.... played till 6am still nvr win anything....sian.... hahahha....

nxt day woke up at my bf's place with a super messy hair.... and the worst thing was i had to greet my bf's mum with the bad hair.... gosh.... super super paiseh.... 2nd day of Chinese New Year i stay over already.... i tot it was super rude of me... but my bf say NVM every year also like tat... kns.... anyway, i still managed to exchange mandarin oranges with his mum despite my bad hairdo, and the fact tat i was still in my pyjamas looking damn sleepy.... ARGH... guess what she wished me?? 'happy new year, zao bao shun zi'............. -.-" which meant "faster get grandson" WTH. anyway, her angpow was still the biggest i've ever received, 28bucks for the 4th yr running..... damn weird ah... me and my bf together for only 3yrs 4mths but i already spent 4 Chinese NEw Year with him..... I STILL cannot figure tat out.... no matter how many times my bf explained i still cannot get it....NVM....

but this yr's no. of angpows increased alot.... HEH... cos went my bf's aunt's place and the whole world gave me redpackets..... even those who didnt' see me also left red packets for me.....glad tat i got closer with his relatives after a few rounds of card games...i mean, after so many years i finally had the guts to talk to them.... known them for 3yrs alrdy... nvr talked as much before...

anyway, guess how much my angpows this year? the highest i ever had.... minus those 3 aunties i nvr see :P

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