sometimes he can be soo soo soo sweet as a candy but sometimes he's just as sour as a lemon which makes me quinch.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
sometimes he can be soo soo soo sweet as a candy but sometimes he's just as sour as a lemon which makes me quinch.
the gift giving ceremony was fun and exciting too! We din know who was our "angels" who bought us gift, and so there i was waiting excitedly for my gift from the unknown angel, and turned out my angel was HUIYEE!! yippee!! The moment i saw her step out to present me with the present, i was so happy "good good!! this is one girl who knows me damn well!!" and true enough, she presented me a prettily decorated pink file which made me felt like studying at once.....i was so in love with the file once i set my eyes on it, and i think i forgot all about thanking huiyee... till now i still can't remember if i thanked her or not.... hahhhaa, i was too engrossed in gaping at the pretty file..... heh....
anyway, all in all, a nite i'll never forget.......
there's another chalet tomorrow.... *sighs*.......... show me the moolahs.........
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
BUT BUT BUT..... alas, to our dismay (at tat point in time), we realised we still HAVE NOT won the tickets yet.... we just won a CHANCE TO GET INTO THE LUCKY DRAW..... really pui...... so tat means there's only a winner for that day, for so many planes that went through the holes during the 2 hour competition.... so we waited till 7pm for our the lucky draw..... AND WE WON!!! LUCKY SHIT..... but i damn damn stupid ah......... haiz...... cos when we filled up the form before the contest, we had to choose a "Dream" destination, and i ticked Taiwan...then when the plane flew into the Phuket hole, the organiser ticked Phuket.... then when the person in charged asked "so which hole did the plane get in? Taiwan or Phuket" I should have frigging said TAIWAN ah.... cos after that then i realised she didnt even know which tick was the right one!!!! i mean, it's quite unofficial and everything..... she just wrote it so generously on the piece of paper...... SHOULD HAVE TOLD her Taiwan instead... i mean as in, put it in an ambigous way ah "oh, Taiwan is my dream destination" instead of "the plane went into Phuket"...... or smth like tat.... so she might be mistaken and wrote Taiwan..... aiyah....
Friday, November 30, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Your Personality Is Like Ecstasy |
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Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Monday, October 01, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
and the stupid dentist. really dont know how to describe her...... i think she's damn lousy ah!!! she kept saying "if you feel the pain, tell me." i was like fuck, by the time i feel the pain when you're halfway fucking DRILLING my tooth i'll be already screaming ah!! why can't u just fucking inject MORE anesthetic first?! arghhhhh................ so throughout the operation, i was so fucking taunted by the fact that i MIGHT just fucking feel the pain SUDDENLY halfway thru the operation (really operation, i was lying on a fucking cold operation table, covered throughout my whole body with blanket and the green cloth covering my entire face except for a small hole to fit my mouth), tat i just clasped my hands together very tightly throughout, prepared for a sudden jerk of pain........ i was under LOCAL anesthesia, which meant i was conscious THROUGHOUT the entire process, which made it 100 times even more terrifying................ haiz........... bad experience, i'lll never do it again.........
Monday, September 17, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Not bad results
come next year........i'll be DEAD, cos my subjects are all MATHEMATICAL subjects........!!!! SHIT. but i can do it, i WILL DO IT!! I CAN GET MY 1ST CLASS HONORS OR 2ND UPPER!!
the only thing that i can do now is to work super super super hard for my 3rd year and get 3 second upper class, or FOUR 1st class for my subjects next year....... meaning to either get a second upper honours degree or a 1st class honors....... cos i have one 2nd upper and one 1st class now.... 3 more subjects to go.......... and i've got 4 subjects next year, meaning 3/4 of the subjects i gotta CHIONG AH.......... ARGH...
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Friday, August 31, 2007
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Day 2 - Mekong Delta Vietnam Trip
on our way to Mekong village..... floating houses....
Even Floating lamp post!
We reached the Mekong village after a 20mins boat ride.... we visited the place where they made their famous rice paper.... they eat everything with this rice paper.... eat fish with rice paper, eat bbq lamb chops with rice paper......
This beautifully fried fish was our lunch!! it's in the package for the 1 day trip to Mekong! and guess how much it was??!! $12/pax for the whole trip!! Lunch included! omg, so damn dirt cheap!
Me on a hammock! I nearly fell off the stupid thing! clumsy me......anyway, i bought his cap for SGD$3, DIRT CHEAP can.... and my local fren told me it could be cheaper.... (!!!)
lazy bf........
us standing precariously on a plank of thin thin wood.....
We sat on a horse carriage too!!! felt sorry for the tinyhorse... it had to carry 7 ppl including the driver...... poor thing...... but the horse carriage moved surprisingly fast!!! and bumpy!! i nearly had to fish out my axe oil.... hahhaha......
us and our horse.......
bf and the snake!! u know why his face so anxious?? cos the snake was trying very hard to writhe away from him.... and he had grab hold to it tighter..... my bf was very very afraid! cos he and another fren of mine, just finished irritating the snake in its cage earlier on before the photo taking session..... IDIOTS.... both of them used branches to poke the snake and the snake stirred and got irritated..... and they didn't know we were goin to take photos with the snake later on..... hahhahaha.... both of them panicked, "how ah, what if the snake recognise our scent".....
Me and my forced smile.... i was bloody scared ok!!! scared to death!! the thing was writhing it's head towards me! and i felt something big in the stomach! and i realised it was the snake's lunch!!! OMG........ i was so scared ah.... then my bf purposely took his own damn time to take the pic... "oh sorry, cannot cannot try again".... i nearly died....
2 of our frens.... all 4 of us were on a very small sampan boat, on our way to another island...... there were 2 rowers, one infront and one behind.... and both of them were ladies.... the moment my bf got on board the small sampan, the boat rocked like mad and all of us clutched to the boat for our dear lives.... and the 2 ladies shook their heads.... hahaha cos they had to row the very heavy boat with 4 very heavy ppl for a long ride.....anyway, we gave them tips after we got off.... so they went back rowing happily....
murky water..... but not from dirt..... geography remember? it's a delta, so they are all sediments from the main sea that connects 6 countries.... cambodia, vietnam..... and i cant remember which... hahhaha....
Our very sumptuos seafood dinner tat day..... this was the first time i had so much seafood in my entire life.... there were oysters, escargots, clams, mussels, fish, big big big prawns, cheese prawns and crabs!! and i cant remember what...... our table was FULL of seafood..... gosh.... we didn't even order rice, we just stuffed ourselves full with just seafood and nothing else... looks unappetising with the leaves (in vietnam, the eat raw leaves with everything for every meals)... but it was simply delicious.... nothing in singapore can beat this someone who dont eat oysters, mussels or clams.... even I thought it was very very must be damn nice cock....
me and my big big prawn..... we had 1 big prawn each...... i couldn't keep track on how many prawns i ate that night.... there were at least 3 plates of prawns.... all cooked in different sauce... gosh....... heaven.....
i know this doesn't look like fish, but it's a HUGE fish with very nice decorations... hahahha.... anyway, dont have alot of pics of the table-full of seafood cos we were too busy eating and getting our hands dirty eating crabs and prawns!
finally, satisfied after the seafood sumptuous meal........yummy.....
and guess how much did we spend on soooooooooooooo much seafood? less than SGD$25 each for 6 of us!!!! do you think you can have 4 crabs, 6 big big prawns, 3 plates of small prawns, 2 plates of mussles, 2 plates of clams, 1 big big fish, 2 plates of snails.............. fucking cheap!!!! the seafood super fresh somemore!! we chose our own crabs and prawns ok, all alive and freshly caught!!... in singapore????? $150 for 6 ppl for such seafood meal?? eat da bian lah....
Day 1 - Cu Chi Tunnel + Boat Dinner Vietnam trip
Our first lunch in Vietnam at a high class Chinese restaurant. The food was superb, anyway, ALL the food we had in Vietnam was all superb, so much nicer than in Singapore!
On our way to Cu Chi Tunnel........ we saw many many skinny cows....
Outside Cu Chih Tunnel.... fighter plane behind us.... Vietnam was in war for many many years with the Americans and i think, the French.....The Vietnamese then dug the 120km long Cu Chi tunnel in order to avoid the bombings from their enemies.... The Cu Chih tunnel has 3 layers, all underground, and air ventilation is very very bad in the tunnel, ventilated by camouflaged bamboo sticks from the tunnel to the ground above.
The start of the tunnel, as u can see, i'm squatting to get in.... and for the rest of the tunnel trip, i'll be in this position...........or worst..... cos as you get further and further in, the tunnel gets smaller and smaller....this entrance was widened for tourists... can you imagine years and years ago when they were having war... how bloody small the hole was?? They dug the tunnel very small for a reason, cos the Vietnamese knew that the Americans were very very big sized.... so the Americans probably wouldn't be able to go into the tunnel, even if they could get in, they couldn't get out... cos of many many booby traps that the Vietnamese had set aside in the tunnel...
fucking scary small hole..........
some of the booby traps made for their enemies..... BEFORE: innocent looking thing...
After: Man Made spikes from bamboo sticks....
Well, after the knee buckling Cu Chi Tunnel trip..... we went to fire some REAL shots.... REAL GUNS REAL SHOTS OK!!! ok, this is not new to those army guys... but to us girls, it was something very new ok..... but i really hated the sound..... everytime someone shoots, it's like i almost jumped out of my skin..... BLOODY LOUD even with the ear mask on..... earpoundingly loud..... ok, i was very very scared..... so i closed both eyes and shot..... and the guy who was instructing me was like shouting "open eyes open eyes!!" cos it was very dangerous to close eyes and shoot.... hahhaha..... he must be thinking im a real idiot...but seriously damn scary wat!! i cant remember mine was the Carbine or M16........
The boys took the AK........ AK47 ah? can't remember AK what... sounds like counter strike to me....
ok.... that was the end of day 1........... more updates to come!