Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I think i over-blogged.. too many blogs in a day.. anyway.. i just learnt something new today!!! very very very useful..

ok, it started off with my bro pestering me to upload a game to my comp, which of cos, being the nice sis, downloaded it for him to play. ended up downloading a virus as well. kns. nvm, the virus changed my screen resolution COMPLETELY, making my fonts, icons and everything on my desktop damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn BIG BIG. so, i tried finding the default setting for the resolution but there's no such thing. in the end, my knight in shining armour (HUBBY), came to my rescue! he told me there was such a thing called "System Restore Point" where u can actually so called TURN BACK TIME to ur settings yesterday for example. tat means, watever u downloaded today that had virus, and when u do a restore to yesterday, the virus will be gone!! yay!! but when u do a restore, of cos, watever documents that u saved TODAY, will be gone as well. but that's IF you've saved some important documents, if not, u can always forgo those documents and do a RESTORE. Cool. and so i did a restore!.. yeah!! and i learnt plenty of things, like restore points and blah blah...

but i asked a stupid question: so tat means those blogs i posted today will all be gone ah? since im restoring to yesterday???

bf: u're really damn stupid. hahhahhaa.

ur blog is saved onto ur website, on the INTERNET, not on ur COMPUTER.
guys can be soooooooo smart at times.

so, peeps, nxt time when ur comp got any problem, RESTORE. lesson learnt.

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