Thursday, June 16, 2005

oh my goodness... i really really really hate tat fucking xiaxue.. i cant stand her arrogance.. i cant stand her bitchiness.. i cant stand her AT ALL!! EVEN THOUGH I'VE NEVER SEEN HER IN MY FUCKING LIFE!! i mean, She really doesn’t deserve all the attention tat the media's giving her. not tat I think I deserve it, but maybe many many ppl out there deserve it so much better than her. Maybe im jealous of it, as a girl, i think, as any other girl, or am I? but i just cant stand the way she boasts about her blog. i cant stand the way she edits her photos with photoshop or what nonsense. She hides behind tonnes and tonnes of edited pictures, behind these pictures are her pimples, flaws, freckles, wrinkles, and what not. she is so fu-qian. so damn fucking shallow. she is so materialistic. she loves the lime-light so much. i mean, if u're so good, go be a tv star ah. why be the "asia's most famous blogger" as u've claimed? i mean, why throw singaporean's face by ur arrogance, narcissism, bitchiness, and ur not-very-good-english that is so-full-of-grammatical-errors-and-spelling-errors-which-is-as-bad-as-mine??????

oh, whatever. its ppl like me who reads her blog and contributes to making her blog THE asian-famous blog. i hate her, yet i read her blog. how ironic.

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